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Abaddon Incarnate – Dark Crusade

abaddon incarnate – dark crusade


Besides leprechauns, big pints of beer, a crock a’ gold, four leaf cloavers, the blarney stone, the strolling hills and the IRA there’s something else that Ireland is (in)famous for… the vein slashing-gut wrenching- eye poppin’-eardrum tearing Grind-lunatics from Abaddon Incarnate.

Yup, after their debut ‘The Last Supper’ on Seasons Of Mist and a second album ‘Nadir’ on Sentinel Records they’re back with their third album ‘Dark Crusade’, out on Xtreem music. These guys are quite the label hoppers, heheh.

For me, Abaddon Incarnate are the musical translators of words such as vile, vicious, dark and ominous as well as violence, imminent, aggression and the phrase stop at nothing (all relating to grindcore), ‘cause, this grinding machine obliterates everything that dares to come near. Low-tuned destroying Grindcore with a sort of depressive undertone and references to Napalm Death, Terrorizer, Nasum, Rotten Sound, Cumchrist and so on as well as slight traces of violent Death Metal is Abaddon Incarnate’s game. This is an aggression frenzy that grabs you and won’t let you go.

The drive behind ‘Dark Crusade’ is immense with an overwhelming wall of violence that falls on top of you. The fast Grind blasts that dominate the album, are alternated by more old school up-speed paces and the song ‘Philosophy Of The Elite’ for instance is entirely mid-paced. Though 93% of this album is at throat slashing speed I can’t say it all sounds the same but rather varied. Lots of riffing going on, and the drummer also proves to have the skills with lots of alterations in speed and the cool breaks he creates, all played as tight as it should be. Abaddon also includes some very cool things like the double high-pitched vocals and grunts, thundering bass parts, uncanny in- or outro’s and more of this.

The production on ‘Dark Crusade’ is done very well. It’s crystal clear on one side but o so brutal, powerful and razor sharp on the other and this adds a little extra to the album. Yeah, the 16 tracks on Abaddon Incarnate’s ‘Dark Crusade’ (with ‘hour Of The Dog’ as the longest track, lasting 4:55) turned out to be one hell of a fucking cruel grindcore record that can be considered mandatory for all grinders out there!

Violence at its best, fantastic!

Xtreem Music

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