![Ohyda – Ohyda Spustoszenia [EP] ohyda – ohyda spustoszenia [ep]](https://www.vm-underground.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Ohyda-Ohyda-Spustoszenia.jpeg)
In 2021, the trio of Diabolizer, Bloodwhip and Necheshetrion, together representing the Polish scene in numerous bands, banded together in a new entity called Ohyda. This has so far led to the release of two EPs, both released by their countrymen of Wolfspell Records. The first in line was ‘Ohyda Spustoszenia’, released in the middle of February 2022.
During the slower, more atmospheric opening track ‘Otchłań szaleństwa’ Ohyda shows their ability to capture Burzum-esque depressive Black Metal with tortured vocals. But while the rest of the music on the EP also has a distinct Norwegian nature, it’s not just Burzum that we find in the sound of Ohyda. There is a clear influence from Darkthrone and old Gorgoroth as well, and there certainly is a touch of ‘And the Forests Dream Eternally’ and ’Sventevith’ era Behemoth to be found in the sound of the band. For instance, ‘Gdy przemawiają duchy’ is a bit more basic and straight to the point old school, slightly rocking Black Metal with very minimal keyboards that add a faint touch of a sinister atmosphere. These keyboards come back throughout the recording but are never too present and rather just enhance the otherwise raw and old school Black Metal. In particular ‘Taniec Martwych cieni’ and ‘Splamione łono świętości’ are highlights, both tracks that combine the best of all aforementioned worlds into one. Not only in this track, but throughout the entire recording the vocals are worth a special mention, as vocalist Necheshetrion throws his heart, soul and guts into this recording in a passionate vocal frenzy.
There’s no need to pretend that there is anything on ‘Ohyda Spustoszenia’ that hasn’t been done before. But it’s all done very well, and Ohyda’s first recording proves to be an excellent homage to the Polish and Norwegian Black Metal of old.