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Deathspell Omega – The Furnaces of Palingenesia

deathspell omega – the furnaces of palingenesia


Probably one the most important acts in the new millennium are back with their 7th opus called “The Furnaces Of Palingenesia”. There is no doubt that Deathspell Omega leaved their marks on the scene with their dissonant wall of sound which gave a new input to the Black Metal genre.

The new album is another excellent work of black steel which, to my opinion, has more dynamics than their predecessor “Synarchy of molten Bones”.  The album has tons of variations in every department, being interesting to any musician as you can find a lot of details…excellent drumming once again. The songs are complex while still not too overloaded and to a certain extend even catchy. Everything flows really fine and show the great song writing skills this band has.

I really like the vocals and lyrics on this one as they dig deep into it. Although a lot on the album is very dark and oppressive, there are also some more melancholic parts to be found, especially towards the end of the record, which has one of my favourite parts.

Just like Inferno or Thy Darkened Shade, Deathspell Omega continue to change and evolve, without destroying their core and still being able to surprise somehow and release interesting music. Recommended hard!


Deathspell Omega

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