Asphyx - "We just felt we could still deliver some brutal old school death metal the Asphyx way" {June 23, 2009}
Autumn Leaves - "...The Danish bands NEVER try to promote themselves outside the borders of Denmark..." {October 8, 1999}
Fleshcrawl - "The work and support from Black Mark was fuckin' shitty - they just didn't know or even want to really build the band up" {April 10, 2000}
Grief of Emerald - "I don't care if it is a big magazine printed worldwide or a local Fanzine that is printed 100 copies, I always answer interviews..." {October 1, 2000}
Grief of Emerald - "The promotion sucks because I am an active Metal freak and I read lots of zines and magazines and have not seen Grief Of Emerald in any!" {March 23, 2003}
Impaled Nazarene - "If your opinions don´t change at all in ten years, then you are fucking sad piece of shit" {January 4, 2001}
Impetigo - "We practiced for the first time in 13 years this weekend and decided to do it, for better or worse" {February 1, 2006}
Luciferion - "And through the years I really lost the hope that there are still dedicated people who do it because of pure passion and not for the money..." {November 14, 2003}
Malevolent Creation - "If you’re too slow, you gotta go" {October 21, 2003}
Polluted Inheritance - "...but on the other hand you can't create your own style, because then they will say it won't sell enough!" {August 4, 2001}
Polluted Inheritance - "In hindsight it might have been 'to much' but this was what we wanted at that time" {May 22, 2000}