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Stutyr – Palavan Maailman Liekeistä [EP]

stutyr – palavan maailman liekeistä [ep]


Stutyr’s previous EP ‘Missä Yö Teidät Kohtaa’ was an interesting slab of music, blending the melody of the Swedish Black Metal scene from the 90’s with a whiff of Finnish Black Metal. On the band’s most recent EP ‘Palavan Maailman Liekeistä’, once again released by Wolfspell Records, we find the band expanding on that formula. Or to state it more properly: Stutyr has taken their music several levels higher on the newest recording.

Musically, Stutyr finds itself somewhere on a crossroads between Dissection, Naglfar, Horna, Alghazanth and Aethyrick, but without the bombast of the latter two bands. With a slightly more muffled overall sound, the guitar melodies have been drawn even more to the forefront on the latest EP, as becomes immediately clear in opener ‘Kuolleen Polun Hylätyt Sanat’. The opening leading melodies in the vein of old Naglfar might be what first catches the attention, but with an epic undertone and Horna-esque melodicism, the band manages to sound far from a clone of anything really. The drumming is intense, the bass nicely rumbles and the vocals in the vein of Spellgoth have a raspy and commanding character. But as mentioned before, it’s the overt tremolo melodies that steal the show. Perkele, are they amazing in the opening track! Likewise, the second track ‘Viimeinen Valonkantaja’ marries the sound of Dissection with Finnish Black Metal, cold and piercing and centred around the meandering riffs. As a showcase of the excellent songwriting skills of the band, the song fuses slower, more epic Heavy Metal based structures with the uptempo ferocity of the Scandinavian Black Metal scene. In the last of the three tracks, ‘Saatanan Liekillä Maailmanne Palaa’, the melodies are somewhat more subcutaneous and layered, and the epic touch is the most pronounced. with an imposing break midway the song, followed by a blistering dynamics and spirited vocals, the EP reaches a fitting apotheosis.

An even better balance of influences and of songwriting, but most of all, a multitude of excellent leading melodies make ‘Palavan Maailman Liekeistä’ a clear improvement over Stutyr’s previous material. Definitely worth checking for those that like their Black Metal with plenty of power but have a sweet spot for the more melodic side of Swedish and Finnish Black Metal scene. I personally wouldn’t mind at all if besides a CD and Cassette edition we would see this material on vinyl as well!