- Band(s): Bunker 66
- Label(s): High Roller Records
- Release Format(s): 12" vinyl, CD
- Release Year: 2017
- Review Date: February 4, 2018
It never occurred to me how easily a certain style sounds dirty and filthy has hell. Well, the combination Black ‘n Roll, Punkish Speed Metal and 80s Thrash Metal does the trick every single time. And it’s Bunker 66 3rd time they do this trick with a full-length. “Chained Down in Dirth” follows the same path Bunker 66 is following for years, so don’t worry you won’t get your unholy dose of Hellhammer, Celtic Frost and Motörhead. Only they have changed the pace a bit and added more Speed Metal and late Darkthrone. Something I also noticed as a difference compared with their previous release “Screaming Rock Believers”, are the vocals which are deeper and filthier. But the high Heavy Metal screams are still present. Let’s just say “Chained Down in Dirt” is more back to the “Out of the Bunker” EP than “Screaming Rock Believers”. Although it always sounds dirty and filthy as hell and it is fun to hear an album like this, it is hard to get really enthusiastic about it. But a good drinkin’ album still. (Ricardo)