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Alchemist – Embryonics 90 – 98 [Compilation / Re-Release]

alchemist – embryonics 90 – 98 [compilation / re-release]


This might be the most dull-sounding name for a band ever, yet Alchemist is one of the longest running bands from downunder and are gaining little by little the recognition they – are said to – deserve. They are certainly a one-of-a-kind band that mixes allmost all kinds of metal and hardrock into one solid piece of music. What the exact reason is for the release of this collection is unknown to me, but I know there wasn’t enough money to get the full discography remastered and packaged, which is a true pity. Yet, for a starter this Alchemist 2CD collection is quite a nice introduction, it also gives a quick historical overview of the bands’ career. It is something that you need to grow into, and though I am not the biggest fan I enjoyed the ride.


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