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Hooded Menace – Gloom Immemorial

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After three full-length albums and numerous split records with different bands (including the legendary Asphyx), Finland’s Hooded Menace established their name amongst the doom/death metal fans. But if you have missed some of their releases or want to know more about this band’s music then “Gloom Immemorial” is just what you need. This is a compilation CD which contains two tracks from the debut Hooded Menace album “Fulfill the Curse”,all tracks from the splits with Anima Morte,Coffins,Ilsa,Asphyx,Horse Latitudes and Loss plus the two tracks from the EP “Labyrinth of Carrion Breeze”. So if you know Hooded Menace’s music,this CD is your chance to hear some hard to find tracks. If this is your first introduction to this Finnish band then prepare yourself for more than an hour filled with dark,slow and heavy as a ton of bricks death/doom metal. Hooded Menace will take you on a horror journey through their hellish world and the ride is really worth it. Obiligatory stuff for all death/doom lovers! (Zvetan)