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Polluted Inheritance – Into Darkness

polluted inheritance – into darkness


I’ve had this album for a couple of weeks now and still every time it rotates in my CD-player, I can’t help my mouth from falling open of amazement.

This band has been around since ages and has always followed its own path. A path which is one of the more difficult ones as they don’t play the most accessible form of Death Metal. My first acquaintance with them was their second album ‘Betrayed’ which came out in 1996. It was full of extremely brutal highly technical Death Metal that was mainly played in mid-pace.

This new album is the perfection of their own style as I don’t know any other Death Metal band that sounds like them. Yes, you can mention other technical Death Metal bands like Death, Cynic, Nocturnus, Atheist, Pestilence etc. But Polluted Inheritance just sounds different, and this is not just because they play mostly mid-paced parts. I would describe it like a mixture of Watchtower and Bolt Thrower. Now that I’m typing this, I realize that this mixture doesn’t make sense. But what I mean is that Bolt Thrower’s heaviness and the slow parts that they play is combined with the extremely high technical skills of a band like Watchtower. A lot of breaks and different rhythm pattern are used to keep this album highly interesting. And more then ever, Polluted have managed to write real songs too, they’re not just showing their skills off here.

I’m not going to mention any songs as they’re all killers, just go and buy them yourself to know what this band is all about. One of the implications of doing their own thing, is that no label dares to sign them, well, fuck the labels!

The production is the best you can imagine and the CD comes in a highly interesting and well done artwork, the evidence that this band can do things on their own, perhaps even better than a label. So, it’s up to you, the metal fans, to give this great band a chance, just give the album its time to show all its uniqueness to you. I rest my case…


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