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Valonkantaja – Valonkantaja [EP]

valonkantaja – valonkantaja [ep]


In less than 12 minutes Valonkantaja introduces themselves to the world in the shape of their very first release. On this EP, released on CD-R by the two Finns themselves and in a limited run of copies copies on tape by Signal Rex, we get a pretty good idea of what the band stands for. Both opening track ‘Läpi Kahden Todellisuuden’ as well as the subsequent ‘Laskematon Loputtomuus’ are predominantly laced by a heavily melodic riff draped upon a backbone of typical Finnish Black Metal. Indeed, comparisons with Sielunvihollinen are very justified, as the melodies take centre stage on ‘Valonkantaja’ in a very similar manner. Within these melodies, but also the more melancholic stretches that surface as these songs progress, a distinct Pagan slant cannot be denied either. This is further enforced by the atmosphere of the fully instrumental acoustic closer ‘Kun Päättyy Aika Ihmisen’. Other than melodic Black Metal, there is a clear underlying basis of Heavy Metal in the music of Valonkantaja. This is perhaps in part due to the clear role for the bass, as is evident in ‘Aamunkoi’, where the frivolous bass takes the lead in a large part of the song. It adds a level of groove of the song that fits well with the surfacing melodies that fits well with the characteristic vibe of Finnish Black Metal.

All of the above combines in a rather epic, riff-driven whole where the melodies take the focal point. And those are certainly enjoying their role in the spotlight, making the material on the EP both catchy and easily digestible. This makes ‘Valkonkantaja’ a short but sweet introduction to what the band can offer, and seeing how on fire Signal Rex is with its Finnish Black Metal releases of late, the fact that the label releases this on tape really says it all. Very enjoyable stuff!


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