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Kêres – Ice, Vapor and Crooked Arrows

kêres – ice, vapor and crooked arrows


Kêres is quite the mysterious one man Finnish filth fiend. That one fiend, Atvar, also does battle in the trenches with other bands as well, most notably Circle of Oroborus, but this is a whole other beasts, seemingly starting in 2004.

There are countless releases, too many to list Karma according to Metallum, there are over 20 demos alone. I’ve known of this entity for a few years and what I’ve heard and bought since then is always flawless yet unhinged Finnish Black Metal of Filth! This album is no exception. The cover is hideous and suits the music perfectly. Personally, I will be digging deeper into his discography.

This entity, Kêres, is a perfect example of a well-crafted Black Metal album, especially considering it’s the work of one fiend. Look it up on YouTube, then support and buy! Icy Black Metal with low, tortured vocals that has plenty of catchy parts, musically, to keep you coming back.

Terratur Possessions

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