- Band(s): Hjemsøkt
- Label(s): Purity Through Fire, Sonorous Night
- Release Format(s): 12" vinyl, Cassette, CD
- Release Year: 2024
- Review Date: January 11, 2025
- Author(s): Dungeon Shaker
2024 was a treasure trove of stand out Black Metal releases. So many great albums, demos, EPs that have quickly become regular spins in my personal collection. One of the later additions from the year is the first full-length from Hjemsøkt. Released almost exactly one year from their stellar EP, ‘Om Vinteren, På En Sort Trone’ has taken all the best parts of Hjemsøkt’s sound and really pushed it to the next level.
Hjemsøkt has described their sound as “Ethereal Misanthropic Black Metal” and that holds up on this record almost more so than before. I had described ‘Mystikk og Mørke’ as a middle ground between ‘Bergtatt’ and ‘A Blaze in the Northern Sky’ which in a lot of ways still feels true. The riffs are viciously cold and with the accompanying presence of bass, it creates an immense wall of sound that is a real treat to listen to. Vocals are vitriolic and distant, only broken up by sections of clean vocals that, when combined with the savage riffing, really solidifies the ethereal nature worshipping tone of the album. The addition of third member M.W. on drums also seems to have been a great decision because the drumming is beastly!
Needless to say, I am a big fan of this album, and I can’t wait to see what’s to come from Hjemsøkt. And just like ‘Mystikk og Mørke’, I think this a hard one to dislike. The tracks can feel a little homogenous at times, but the overall execution and capture of the Norwegian second wave energy really keeps the excitement high. If you live under a rock and somehow haven’t heard ‘Om Vinteren, På En Sort Trone’ yet, give it a listen… its right up your alley.
- Country: Norway
- Style: Black Metal
- Links: Instagram, Bandcamp, Spotify
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Sonorous Night
- Country: Norway
- Style: Black Metal
- Links: Instagram, Bandcamp, Youtube