- Band(s): Wald Krypta
- Label(s): Eternal Death
- Release Format(s): 12" vinyl
- Release Year: 2021
- Review Date: May 8, 2023
- Author(s): Ricardo
If you enjoy your Black Metal with a polished sound and an audible bass, you can pass Wald Krypta.
Both Heresiarch and Einsam combine the harsh sound of both Judas Iscariot and 90s Darkthrone (minus the Death Metal era) and the Les Légions Noires scene with both fast tremolo and melancholic riffs. And like most of these kind of black art, repetitive effective riffs are key.
As mentioned in the review of their previous album ‘Where None Remain’, they don’t excel throughout the album, but it is a well done and grim 90s Black Metal album without any doubt.