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Immortal Death – Immortal Death [Demo / Re-Release]

immortal death – immortal death [demo / re-release]


Just as the name of this Japanese Death Metal band holds some contradiction, this re-release is also not devoid of surprises. Werewolf Records is not exactly known for its Death Metal records now, but the nose of the man behind Werewolf Records has been praised for unearthing the most obscure gems. With, among others, Haborym, a re-release of Saram and also the release of the latest Thornspawn album, the Finnish label already cautiously looked beyond its own borders, but it is not exactly typical of Werewolf Records. So, in many ways, the release of this first demo from the Japanese is a rather unique offering.

That this is all just introductory (and distracting) sideshow is evident when Immortal Death’s music crashes out of the speakers. This is Death Metal in a way it is not really done anymore. Still plenty in the world of Thrash Metal riffs and with an almost First Wave Black Metal-like atmosphere, these five songs (including intro and outro) take you straight back to the mid-80’s when all these genres did not yet exist separately.

‘Immortal Death’ is a madman’s ride through a tunnel of nostalgia and true confusion. It’s incredible how close this Japanese ensemble has been able to get to that ultimate 80’s demo sound. The choppy and buzzing sound could have come straight from yet another generation of tape trading cassette. The older readers among us will no doubt share the same appreciation and sheer amazement with me.

The aforementioned mix of everything extreme not only sounds authentic, but will also bring recognition on a musical level. A clear fondness can be heard for bands like Repulsion, Master, Terrorizer, Deceased, Impetigo, Necrophile, Poison, Necrovore and pre-album Massacre. Add to this a maniacal vocal delivery and you have the whole picture.

This demo was originally released in 2022 in an undisclosed amount of copies that were mainly spread within the fanatic Japanese Extreme Metal underground scene. So, now it has been picked up for a wider release through Werewolf Records (backed up by Hells Headbangers Records), this astonishing piece of authentic and mind-boggling Death Metal is out there to amaze a considerably larger audience.

Immortal Death

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