- Band(s): Vritrahn-Werwolf
- Label(s): Werewolf Records
- Release Format(s): 12" vinyl, CD
- Release Year: 2021
- Review Date: December 6, 2024
- Author(s): Ricardo
For those following the Finnish scene, the names Vritrarhn and Werwolf will not be strange ones. The first of White Death and Hautakammio and the latter known for many acts but Satanic Warmaster, The True Werwolf and Vargrav being the most known ones, besides his label Werewolf Records.
After 2 demos, an EP and a compilation with oddly enough the same title as this debut album, ‘Vritrahn-Werwolf’ can be considered as a diverse Black Metal album. It ranges from harsh Punkish Old School Black Metal to Symphonic Black Metal, like every song is different.
So straightforward raw Black Metal till Finnish melody and keys, and everything in between. You won’t believe that a Symphonic Black Metal track like ‘Death Torments’ is on the same album as the Impaled Nazarene-like ‘Crucifucked (S.S.)’.
Most of the time, such albums leave me confused about the intention of the artist, yet strangely enough…it works on ‘Vritrahn-Werwolf’. It works very well…