- Band(s): Bloodmoon Eclipse
- Label(s): Purity Through Fire
- Release Format(s): 12" vinyl, CD
- Release Year: 2024
- Review Date: January 21, 2025
- Author(s): Acwulf Athame
Upon my first listen to debut album ‘For I am Your Death’ by the Greek duo Bloodmoon Eclipse my ears are met with an opening guitar riff that reminds me why I love Black Metal so much. The guitar tone is everything that makes this genre so great. This is traditional raw Black Metal that reminds me of the early 2000s sound, it’s dark, satanic and makes your soul feel like you’re being ripped apart in a cold damp basement.
To say this is a debut album I am very impressed with the song construction, nothing repeats too often whilst still being able to put you in a trance like state. The vocals remind me somewhat of Pest from Gorgoroth blood gurgling screams that makes you feel like the vocalist is screaming at you from every direction. The guitars take this album to another level though, attacking you with tremolo-picked riffs that go effortlessly into chugging with melodic but sinister leads thrown on top. They are really well thought out and perfectly executed, almost ritualistic in the implementation which gives the entire album the feel that they are trying to summon some dark entity to set the world ablaze (they have my support).
This is one of the best albums I’ve heard in a while. It’s taken Black Metal back to its roots whilst still sounding fresh which is hard to do in a at times very over saturated genre. I’m actually finding it difficult to compare them to another band but if I had to I’d say they sound like some unholy combination of Satanic Warmaster’s ‘Nachzehrer’ and Gorgoroth’s ‘Under The Sign of Hell’.
If you are a fan of those albums, you’d be an idiot to not check out Bloodmoon Eclipse.