- Band(s): Terrestrial Hospice
- Label(s): Ancient Dead Productions
- Release Format(s): CD
- Release Year: 2023
- Review Date: January 30, 2023
- Author(s): Marksson
Hailing from Poland, Terrestrial Hospice are a Black Metal duo who feature Inferno of Behemoth fame, and Skyggen who has appeared live for Gorgoroth in the past. ‘Caviary to the General’ is their sophomore full length album and has been unleashed on CD by fellow Polish label Ancient Dead Productions. Its a deliberately hostile affair; nine tracks of blast beating fury with vicious guitar leads that stab and gripe and fume away to themselves! All through opening track ‘A Rate in A Burning Cage’ there is a bubbling ferocity that brews steadily within the bass tones and drumming style, and whilst you feel it may explode into a more violent style, Terrestrial Hospice are happy to let these moments simmer. if the opening track is barely restrained anger, ‘In The Streams Of Phlegethon’ is more cohesive aggression and cold, malicious intent, and ‘December Night’ is pure feral animosity; a track in which that simmer hatred and explosive power finally boils over into unrestricted carnage. Here the guitar rhythms are maniacal, the vocals surging and violent and the bass performance unhinged and crushing; and all backed by a solid wall of noise from the drums. This unfettered raging torrent of blackness and vitriol continues through the urgent sounding ‘Extinction Delight’ before lurching headlong into the bedlam and anguished wails of ‘Verminous Spawn’. In truth as the album motors on it becomes enveloped in the chaos and destruction it so effortless creates, and whilst tracks such as ‘The Last Dance’ have a sprinkling of groove hastily put out through dominant bass leads, there is only one agenda for ‘Caviary to the General’; total and utter devastation. Its a brutally efficient album, though lacks some variety in the closing tracks.
Terrestrial Hospice
- Country: Poland
- Style: Black Metal
- Links: Facebook, Spotify
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Ancient Dead Productions
- Country: Poland
- Style: Black Metal
- Links: Homepage, Facebook