- Band(s): Sombre Croisade
- Label(s): Pest Records
- Release Format(s): CD
- Release Year: 2017
- Review Date: February 10, 2018
Black Metal from France and not a trace of Deathspell Omega in it? For me that is one valid reason to step up and give Sombre Croisade and their second full-length a try. The members of Sombre Croisade, Malsain and Alrinack, stated this album is a personal and musical expression of their darkest feelings. As it has been 2 decades ago since I had my last lesson of French at high-school (damn, I was so happy the moment I was able to drop it…), I can’t tell you more about the lyrics as it is written in their native language. But for those who are interested in their music; you will hear traditional second wave Black Metal. They have also chosen to keep the synths out of it, so the melodies and atmosphere is been made by the riffs. If you are a fan of Wodesthrone and Skogen, give it a try, as “Balancier des âmes” is absolutely a good listen but you will not hear something that will blow your socks off. (Ricardo)