- Band(s): Shining
- Label(s): The Sinister Intiative
- Release Format(s): 12" vinyl, CD
- Release Year: 2024
- Review Date: January 30, 2025
- Author(s): Fleischwvlf
This album serves as an 11-year anniversary reissue of Shining’s earlier compilation ‘8 ½: Feberdrömmar i vaket tillstånd,’ now enriched with additional material that warranted its division into two distinct chapters. This anniversary edition features the now celebrated five tracks of demo recordings on which Beastcraft/Urgehal maestro Lars Erik Frøslie added his nightmarish keyboard soundscapes, taking the atmosphere of anguish to new heights!
The album opens with ‘Välkommen,’ a brand-new intro that sets a haunting tone for the six tracks that follow and with that…the Swedish sons of sadism return. With them a diabolical ensemble of prolific frontmen all lending their own distinct styles of darkness and spellcraft to each track.
These different linguistic textures add so much more to the album’s immersive and unsettling atmosphere, more specifically: Famine’s signature vocal style on ‘Terres Des Anonymes’ and Attila Csihar’s hellish dirge on ‘Szabadulj Meg Önmagadtol.’ Musically, ‘Feberdrömmar (Del Ett)’ revisits Shining’s earlier, more distorted and haunting sound, reminiscent of their mid-2000s era. I appreciate the raw, unpolished sound that aligns with the band’s depressive themes as it offers a blend of nostalgia and fresh interpretation through its collaborations.
In summation, ‘Feberdrömmar (Del Ett)’ is a noteworthy addition to Shining’s discography. While opinions on production quality may vary, the album’s atmospheric depth and the unique contributions of its guest vocalists make it a significant release for followers of the band and the black metal genre. This release is apparently pretty limited, with only a couple hundred copies available so do not waste time and give yourself over to the Sinister Initiative!