- Band(s): Forlesen
- Label(s): Hypnotic Dirge Records
- Release Format(s): CD
- Release Year: 2020
- Review Date: September 7, 2020
This is different and for someone surely difficult to swallow. Forlesen present their debut two track debut album and even though there are just two tracks this record has a duration of about 40 minutes.
The two tracks roughly cut the album in half. As far as the genre is concerned, Forlesen is labelled as experimental avant-garde Black Metal. But are they a second Ulver? I don‘t think so. Different bands in the same genre can play really different Metal, for example Darkthrone and Abruptum.
Musically this record is a feast for the listener‘s senses. It is best heard at night with closed eyes, so there is nothing that could distract you from this journey. A journey through clouds of fog, mountains, lakes, woods or even some isolated castle.
Everything you see, you see it through the eyes of a bird flying over a beautiful landscape created by wonderful sounds.
This Californian trio create a perfect musical „trip“. Enjoy and free your mind. (HaCeBo)
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Hypnotic Dirge Records
- Country: Canada
- Style: Black Metal, Doom Metal
- Links: Homepage, Facebook, Instagram, Bandcamp, Youtube