- Band(s): Vafurlogi
- Label(s): Norma Evangelium Diaboli, Oration Records
- Release Format(s): 12" vinyl, CD
- Release Year: 2024
- Review Date: December 11, 2024
- Author(s): VincentP
Þórir Garðarsson can rightfully be regarded as one of the prominent members of the icelandic Black Metal scene, standing at the basis of both Svartidauði and Sinmara (and its predecessor Chao). While these bands have conquered the Black Metal world by storm, Garðarsson’s creativity never stopped seeking for different avenues to be expressed. One such brainchild is Vafurlogi, a project for which the seeds were planted in the early 2000’s, yet its first release is only upon us now, 20 years after the earliest songs were written.
On the debut full-length ‘Í Vökulli Áþján’ we can certainly hear that typical writing style of Þórir Garðarsson back, for instance in the opening riff of ‘Helgrindur’ which inevitable draws paralels with Svartidauði and Sinmara. But to label Vafurlogi as a continuation or knock-off of those bands would be largely incorrect. Yes, we do hear some of those typical skincrawling riffs on ‘Í Vökulli Áþján’, but the overall feeling of the record is very different. For one, the music is much less dissonant and complex, and instead more melodic and harmonious. I would even describe it as epic, much like bands like Enslaved, Ulver and Kvist had in their sound in the mid 90’s. Such is very obvious in songs like ‘Viðjar holdsins’ and ‘Hvíldarsálmur’, songs carried by the strong melodies and adorned with beautiful leads, but it’s a feeling that is etched throughout the album and gives the record a very distinct appeal.
Songs like ‘Dreyrrauði’ are examples of a that straightforward approach with the more epic Heavy metal basis and dependence on the melody making the songs easier to digest. But don’t let that be misread for simple music. The songs are rather dynamic, often changing in rhythm, pace or musical themes. But compared to the frantic and suffocating complexity of Garðarsson’s other bands, Vafurlogi offers a far more easily digestible Black Metal sound.
Despite sounding distinctly Icelandic at times, the more triumphant and melodic formula of Vafurlogi feels like a breath of fresh air. Less chaotic and oppressive, more melodic and epic, their debut manages to captivate for its entirety. Unlike many others, ‘Í Vökulli Áþján’ doesn’t pretend to emulate the unsurpassed debuts of Svartidauði and Sinmara. Instead, it’s an album that dares to venture into its own territories, leaning back on previous experience but casting off any chains and expectations.