- Band(s): Krvna
- Label(s): Ancient Dead Productions, Third Eye Temple
- Release Format(s): Cassette, CD
- Release Year: 2022
- Review Date: December 7, 2024
- Author(s): Ricardo
With the successor of ‘Sempinfernus’, Krvna switched labels as Third Eye Temple and Ancient Dead Productions are responsible for ‘For Thine Is the Kingdom of the Flesh’. For those who are fan of the debut, the sound shifted it a bit.
Although the art is still unmistakably Black Metal, but the Norwegian influence left the building and in came the Swedish one. Still fast and fierce, but the melody and tremolo riffs are different, more Setherial and Dark Funeral like with the melodies of late Naglfar and Grafvitnir, topped with splendid leads and occasional epic passages.
Great follow-up!
Ancient Dead Productions
- Country: Poland
- Style: Black Metal
- Links: Homepage, Facebook