- Band(s): Funeral Fullmoon
- Label(s): Adramelech Records, Consumed by the Flames Productions, Inferna Profundus Records
- Release Format(s): 12" vinyl, Cassette, CD
- Release Year: 2020
- Review Date: August 31, 2021
Magister Nihilifer Vendetta 218 is a bloody Master. Review over! No joke, the man is the bearer of an ability to create some of the most amazing Black Metal we have had the opportunity to listen to, in the last 10 years (exaggerating?).
Onward into business! “Revelation of Evil” is the man’s first Full-length after a Demo, an EP, and a Split. Evolution is heard, and with this I do not want to pass out the idea that his first releases were bad, quite the opposite (“De Occulta Symphonie” is very, very, good)! MNV218 continues his path, his very personal way of looking at this musical genre as a vehicle, as a support for the spiritual facet of the Being. This is Black Metal, and done perfectly. I just adore the fact that we are able to hear every single instrument, while keeping a lo-fi, “rotten & dirty” production, is what does it for me. MNV218’s sound takes me to different levels of this existence.
Yes, it does sound absurdly theatrical. It might even be seen as a fanboyish expression of admiration, but it is an excellent Black Metal piece! “Cursed of my Poison Mind” is a very good example of Funeral Fullmoon’s sound. “Revelation of Evil” is one of the sons of the pandemic: claustrophobic and cutting Black Metal; superb vocals that almost inflict emotional pain on the listener.
We reach the end without much notion that we have reached the last note of “Whispers of a Dark Dead”, very pleased with the experience… waiting for more. (DanielP)
Funeral Fullmoon
- Country: Chile
- Style: Black Metal
- Links: Bandcamp, Spotify
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- Country: Mexico
- Style: Black Metal
- Links: Facebook