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Iron Bonehead Productions to release Sever's debut album: "Straightforward, to be sure, but never simplistic, Sever's onward-and-spaceward thrust overwhelms and then hypnotizes..."

February 20, 2023

Iron Bonehead Productions is proud to present the highly anticipated debut album of the United States’ Sever, ‘At Midnight, By Torch Light’, on CD and vinyl LP formats.

One of the most promising developments in American Black Metal in recent years, Sever combine bestial ferocity with spectral atmosphere and surprisingly deft dynamics. The work of one Ma-Kaxul, Sever made their public debut with the ‘Sadistic Sorcery’ demo in 2022, courtesy of Iron Bonehead. That demo indeed pointed the way for Sever’s sound: at once primal and magickal. And now Ma-Kaxul reveals the wider breadth of his vision…

Thus, less than a year after that debut demo, Sever unleashes their first full-length: ‘At Midnight, By Torch Light’. Simultaneously familiar and foreign, invoking cult names as varied as Nazxul, Kvist, Norway’s Odium, and Australia’s Darklord or even ’90s Demoncy and Abigor, the swells of violence across the album’s six-song/38-minute runtime are firmly situated between bubbling bestiality and cosmic chaos. Straightforward, to be sure, but never simplistic, Sever’s onward-and-spaceward thrust overwhelms and then hypnotizes, invoking a(n ultraviolent) trance that soon unfolds its many layers of obsidian darkness. Of course, mention must be made of the synth work, skillfully integrated into the (gleamingly obsidian) whole and ably buttressing that swelling violence without softening it one bit. It’s all too easy to get lost in ‘At Midnight, By Torch Light’, but it’s a spectral cocoon well worth residing in.

As the sun sets in the west, prepare for lunar sacrifice and wield the hammer of vengeance like an abyssonaut with Sever’s ‘At Midnight, By Torch Light’!

More info: Sever; Iron Bonehead Productions;

Astriferous ready to unleash debut album: "ut those who can hack the savage attack of the senses will hear some truly phenomenal, atmospheric, and yet unforgiving Death Metal that spews rot and hacks limbs while some cleverly placed riffs give a very uncomfortable ambience to the whole thing"

February 17, 2023

Me Saco Un Ojo in conspiracy with Pulverised Records are proud to present Astriferous’ highly anticipated debut album, ‘Pulsations From the Black Orb’. Me Saco Un Ojo will handle the vinyl version while Pulverised will handle the CD version.

Two demos, one split, one MLP: these are the releases Astriferous have already left an impression with. But now, this Costa Rican Death Metal juggernaut is back with their full-length studio debut, ‘Pulsations From the Black Orb’.

Decay, despair, and bubbling rot come to the surface with the abhorrent opening piece. Setting a gargantuan monolith to crumble before us, the intensity is high even before we truly begin. Roaring vocals and meaty riffs stain the air as pummeling drums bludgeon the skull to smithereens. The raw and ineffably dark production is one that will immediately leave non-diehards running with their tails between their legs. But those who can hack the savage attack of the senses will hear some truly phenomenal, atmospheric, and yet unforgiving Death Metal that spews rot and hacks limbs while some cleverly placed riffs give a very uncomfortable ambience to the whole thing. The gripping and unique approach is delivered at high-tempos to ensure maximum damage while some gloomier passages give a rich, textured, and hauntingly ghastly dynamic to the record. Blending the cacophonous Finnish Death Metal titans of old with some South American deathrashing violence, Astriferous conjure an atmosphere and sound entirely of their own while reading from the ancient tomes of morbidity.

Firing on all cylinders, this record is an amalgamation of the band’s best works. The doomy parts are more spectral than ever, the bestial aggression is unrivalled in savagery, and the progression as putrescent as one could dream of. Those who have followed the Astriferous journey can revel in the splendor that they have reached here with their best achievement to date. New maniacs can be won over by their first experience being a truly remarkable milestone in Death Metal from a far-off corner of the world, proudly planting the Costa Rican flag in the underground’s conscious with a truly marvelous, menacing, and engrossing cut of excellence. Much like the chasmic, void-like vortex of grotesqueries on the cover art, this album will pull you into a pool of macabre oddities and never let you go…

More info: Astriferous; Me Saco un Ojo Records; Pulverised Records;

Grafhond to release debut 'In harmonie met de dood' via Void Wanderer Productions & War Productions: " A dense and intense storm of aggressive riffs, mournful chord progressions and taunted vocal performances".

February 17, 2023

At present, Void Wanderer Productions & War Productions are thrilled to announce the debut mini-album ‘In harmonie met de dood’ by the Dutch Black Metal duo Grafhond.

A release date is set for March 31st, 2023 and shall come in the following formats: Digital and LP. The LP is limited to 200 pieces (134 Black, 33 Transparent Orange/Black, 33 Transparent/Black).

‘In harmonie met de dood’ is a furious pounding of brutal emotionally laden Black Metal. A dense and intense storm of aggressive riffs, mournful chord progressions and taunted vocal performances.

Grafhond formed in 2017, when two distorted individuals searched for a way to musically express their growing discontent with most of the ever growing modern day Black Metal scene. Finding less and less emotional connection there, inspiration came from the early second wave Black Metal movement, where bands like Mayhem, Dissection, Emperor, Darkthrone, Marduk, Burzum etc. carried a certain depth to their expression. Compiling musical ideas with the focus on aggression and despair, and finding a lyrical approach to give a voice to their inner demons, the mini-album ‘In harmonie met de dood’ started taking shape. With a DIY- attitude, the album was self-recorded/mixed and will be released by Void Wanderer Productions and War Productions.

More info: Grafhond; Void Wanderer Productions; War Productions;

Memento Mori and Godz ov War Productions to release new Eternal Rot: "What we're dealing with here is organ-crushing, mind-blowing and sickening Death Metal..."

February 16, 2023

Memento Mori released the following statement:

In our endless quest to push and support current underground acts that perpetuate the odor of vintage Death Metal, we’re extremely thrilled to announce a new signing: Eternal Rot, from U.K./Poland.

Eternal Rot crawled out of a musty dungeon in London in 2012, born out of a passion for Death Metal by Mayer and Grindak. Their “2013 promo tape” demo (released as “Grave Grooves” on 7″ EP through Fallen Temple Productions a year after), featured two swampy and deadly tracks that attracted vigilant zombies who began to spread the word about a new sonic disease. A few years of disgusting excavations later, they joined forces with Godz Ov War Productions and spewed out the debut album, “Cadaverine”, which was adorned with the artwork of Mark Riddick, who would ultimately become the band’s artist of choice from then on. Shortly after, the duo were joined by Radek Pierściński (Meat Spreader, Neuropathia, The Dead Goats) on drums and the result was the band’s second album, “Putridarium”, which featured an improved formula of their already trademark purulent and über-crushing Death Metal. The band’s latest chapter of filth up to date was the 2021 split with Death/Doom Metal powerhouse Coffins, on Behind the Mountain Records.

What we’re dealing with here is organ-crushing, mind-blowing and sickening Death Metal that’s stripped to the very bone and insanely catchy, showcasing gnarly and slightly distorted vocals, downtuned guitars, a gut-wrenching rhythm section and a horror-drenched atmosphere that’s utterly recommended to fans of Autopsy, Undergang, Hooded Menace, Rippikoulu, Anatomia, Disma, Coffins, Grave, Incantation, Funebrarum…

Memento Mori (CD) and Godz Ov War Productions (LP, tape and digital) will team up to unleash the band’s 3rd full-length on July 24th, 2023.


More info: Eternal Rot; Godz Ov War Productions; Memento Mori;

Immortal Frost Productions signs Deadspace and Infinity: "The band needs no real introduction for those who dwell within the scene long enough."

February 15, 2023

First signing: Infinity.
“We’re glad to announce that Infinity has signed with Immortal Frost Productions. The band needs no real introduction for those who dwell within the scene long enough. However for those who don’t know, Infinity is one of the oldest Black Metal bands from the Netherlands created by Draconis and B.Xul back in 1995.”

While it is by giving themselves this name they are forever bound to the ancient Gods of Darkness and let “The Limitless Black Light of Lucifer” guide their path into the endless darkness. Enchanted by the magical sigil on their backs they stand forever proud and loyal and as of 2023 a new era has begun for the band as they’ve inked a deal with Immortal Frost Productions for their future album(s).

Second signing: Deadspace.

“We’re more than proud to announce that the destructive hateful depressive Black Metal band Deadspace from Australia has signed a contract with Immortal Frost Productions for the release of their upcoming album(s). After many years of close friendship between label and band it was only a matter of time to officially seal the deal and share the news with all of you.”

Crawling out of the cracks of the Australian musical landscape, Deadspace has long forged a chasm of its own within national and international circles. Amalgamating a unique atmosphere of anguish with a more orthodox black metal approach, Deadspace envisions a post-apocalyptic world governed by corporate greed and socio-political disconnect. Influenced heavily by English Literature and Occult narratives, the band is on a constant pursuit to document and extrapolate mankind’s darkest and palest truths, at whatever the required cost.

What has been is in the past and what lies ahead is the focus! 2023 is the year of a new era for Deadspace. After nearly 10 years of existence, a new direction has been chosen wisely, and with it, a contract has been signed with Immortal Frost Productions. A record label whom we think feels our passion and understands our needs as an international band, fitting perfectly with our vision and form of devastating art.

Expect nothing, receive everything!

More info: Deadspace; Infinity; Immortal Frost Productions;

Thysia to release debut album in cooperation with Chaos Records: "Dusty and dusky like so much Mediterranean Black Metal from the darkest past, these sonic bones and scrolls emit a blanching aspect that's simply impossible to find these days."

February 14, 2023

Chaos Records is proud to present Thysia’s striking debut album, ’Islands in Cosmic Darkness’, on CD format.

Translated from ancient Greek as “ritual sacrifice,” Thysia was spawned in 2019 in Cavaso del Tomba (Treviso, Italy) by Nefasto on guitar and vocals, Mistyr on drums, and Nihil on bass; Fenrir joins in 2021 and takes over vocals. The band’s collective experience includes the likes of Haemophagus, Messa, Undead Creep, Assumption, and Nox Interitus. After a couple of interruptions due to the outbreak of the pandemic, Thysia completed their first public work, the full-length ’Islands in Cosmic Darkness’.

Just as Thysia are aptly monikered, so, too, is ’Islands in Cosmic Darkness’ truly titled. Its Black Metal is deeply rooted in the ancients, but not just one corridor of this rich tradition; lurking within Thysia’s cauldron, one will find Craft, Varathron, Mayhem, Celtic Frost, Tangorodrim, and early Rotting Christ among others. With a suitably cavernous but fully physical sound, ’Islands in Cosmic Darkness’ sends out undulating sinewaves of spiritual negativity, its lyrical references rooted in Greek mythology and its inner cosmic landscapes expanding outward from an austere core. Put another way, Thysia in general and their debut album in particular sound astoundingly OLD – not simply “old” like ’90s Black Metal, but rather old as the earth itself. Dusty and dusky like so much Mediterranean Black Metal from the darkest past, these sonic bones and scrolls emit a blanching aspect that’s simply impossible to find these days. Modernity is left to rot in Thysia’s world.

For those who thrill to the equally eldritch likes of Negative Plane, Malokarpatan, Cultes des Ghoules, and Funereal Presence, prepare to have your coordinates rearranged by Thysia’s ’Islands in Cosmic Darkness’.

More info: Thysia; Chaos Records;

Iron Bonehead Productions to release debut EP of Kaal Nagini: "Cruel and martial and overwhelming, Kaal Nagini's Death Metal aims for oblivion and promptly delivers the listener there..."

February 14, 2023

Iron Bonehead Productions is proud to present Kaal Nagini’s striking debut EP, ‘Refracted Lights of a Blind God’, on CD and 12″ vinyl formats.

Hailing from Kolkata, Kaal Nagini are a vital new entity among India’s ever-rising extreme metal underground, for which Iron Bonehead has helped foster through the likes of Tetragrammacide, Aparthiva Raktadhara, Brahmastrika, And Necrodeity. As such, Kaal Nagini are among the Kolkata Inner Order in a percussive alliance with MVOQH, an esteemed figure from the Siamese Underground.

Cruel and martial and overwhelming, Kaal Nagini’s Death Metal aims for oblivion and promptly delivers the listener there – if they can even withstand the immediate barrage of nuclear-warped decibels the power-trio so effortlessly unload. ‘Refracted Lights of a Blind God’, the band’s first public recording, comprises four massive tracks across 17 minutes of unchained & unrestrained ultraviolence. With universal adversarial syncretism as their lyrical muse, Kaal Nagini distort and disorient perceptions of what “Death Metal” is and can be. Never devolving into pure noise nor afraid to overload frequencies to their maximalist limit, these undulating vortexes reveal rude shapes and impossible angles, but ones not without purpose: the glorification of Kali, and the emergence and idiosyncratic sound of Kalikshetra.

And this is but the opening arsenal of Kaal Nagini. Offer obeisance or prepare to be mowed down by these ‘Refracted Lights of a Blind God’.

More info: Kaal Nagini; Iron Bonehead Productions;

Intestine Baalism's first two albums to be re-released: "We’re also happy to announce a reissue of the much sought-after second album by Intestine Baalism, including the first time the release has EVER been pressed on tape."

February 13, 2023

Sewer Rot Records mentions the following news on their social media channels:

Our next two releases are official reissues of the first two masterpieces by Intestine Baalism from Japan. This reissue of ‘An Anatomy of the Beast’ is different from our first press in that it has a color scheme reminiscent of the original 1997 pressing and it’s the first time that a reissue of the album has ever included the interior artworks from the original press. This press will also be a co-release with our good friends at Sevared Records.

We’re also happy to announce a reissue of the much sought-after second album by Intestine Baalism, including the first time the release has EVER been pressed on tape. You won’t want to miss these! It all goes down March 3rd!

We have reviewed the re-release of ‘Anatomy of the Beast’ and considered it as; “A perfect mix of both otherworldly melodies and sheer brutality wrapped in the great buzzsaw sound. The vocals are as low as my urge not to take a beer at a craft beer-fest and the quality of the leads and solos are as high as…well, my urge to take a beer at a craft beer-fest.”

More info: Intestine Baalism; Sevared Records; Sewer Rot Records;

Bastard Grave to release new album via Pulverised Records: "With their bewitching and elegant sense of absolute rotten Death Metal..."

January 9, 2023

Pulverised Records proudly announces the third full-length release of Swedish Deathers Bastard Grave! ‘Vortex Of Disgust’ will be unleashed on March 10th 2023.

With their bewitching and elegant sense of absolute rotten Death Metal, “Vortex Of Disgust” is remarkably the band’s zenith; shaping the old form of tried-and-true Scandinavian Death Metal and coalescing into an unmerciful clobber of swamp-soaked riffs truly unique to Bastard Grave.

The album was recorded by the band themselves with the exception of drums recording handled by Ulf Blomberg at The End Studios (Exhale, Crawl, Age Of Woe, Inevitable End, etc). The mixing and mastering was overseen and helmed by Greg Wilkinson at Earhammer Studio (Autopsy, Chaotian, High On Fire, Atrament, etc), and the cover artwork was illustrated by German artist Thomas ”Necromaniac” Westphal (Cryptic Brood, Morbific, Deserted Fear, etc). The tracklist contains titles as ‘Sunder The Earth’, ‘Consumed And Forgotten’ and ‘Eternal Decomposition’.

We desecribed the last effort of Bastard Grave, the split with Graveyard Ghoul, as: “A sort of Death Metal that has a certain Swedish edge to it, but doesn’t come as the next Entombed stand-in. Instead Bastard Grave blends in some classic Dutch Death Metal and a even a bit of early British Death Metal too, making it appealing to fans of either Sinister, Benediction or Grave – but most likely, these are the same people anyway.”

More info: Bastard Grave; Pulverised Records;

Memento Mori signs Obscurial: "Obscurial´s approach to timeless Death Metal includes gut-wrenching riffs, somber melodies and a dismal atmosphere..."

January 2, 2023

In our endless quest to push and support current underground acts that perpetuate the odor of vintage Death Metal, we´re extremely thrilled to announce a new signing: Obscurial, from Malaysia.

Obscurial is one of the most promising, up and coming Death Metal bands from Asia, being spawned in the sewers of K-Hell (Kuala Lumpur) back in 2019 and breaking into the local underground scene with “Exaltation”, their debut 2020 demo. “Funeral, Burial and Rites”, the band´s opera prima in full-length format, was self-released in December 2021, helping them obtain more recognition and following in the underground Death Metal community. Obscurial´s approach to timeless Death Metal includes gut-wrenching riffs, somber melodies and a dismal atmosphere influenced by the likes of Brain Dead, Grave Miasma, Morbid Angel, Bloodbath, Incantation, Dismember, Deicide, Grave and Darkthrone (“Soulside Journey” era).

Memento Mori will unleash the CD version of their 2nd full-length in the first half of 2024.

More info: Obscurial; Memento Mori;