Morbus Grave join forces with Memento Mori: "...Morbus Grave are working hard on writing new horrid songs for their second, deadly strike."
September 7, 2023
In our endless quest to push and support current underground acts that perpetuate the odor of vintage Death Metal, we’re extremely thrilled to announce a new signing: Morbus Grave, from Italy.
Morbus Grave was spawned by A. Th and Erman in 2010 with the goal to exhume rotting, ancient Death Metal influenced by primordial bands such as Death, Possessed, Carnage, Sadistic Intent, Incubus, Malevolent Creation, Celtic Frost, Morbid Angel and Slayer. Due to lack of time, A. Th left the band and Erman was left to continue the path by himself. In early 2015, Erman found the right replacement in Maso on guitars/bass and Pide Guts on drums.
This lineup recorded the band’s debut demo, ‘Throne of Disgust’, which was released in early 2016. Although the lineup was completed with Eros and Edy later in the year, the band seemed to vanish in thin air. After a couple of years of lethargy and many a lineup change, the grave was dug up once again and the band put out some more minor releases on a number of estimable underground labels over the years, steadily getting their craft honed in preparation for their debut full-length, which was ultimately released in 2021. Now a five-headed abomination consisting of Erman (vocals), Edy (guitar), Magiko (guitar), Danny (drums) and Eros (bass), Morbus Grave are working hard on writing new horrid songs for their second, deadly strike.
Memento Mori will unleash the CD version of their sophomore full-length in the first half of 2024.
More info: Morbus Grave; Memento Mori;Transcending Obscurity Records ready to unleash debut full-length of Temple of Scorn: "Shrouded in darkness and afflicted with rot, the songs both lumber and rampage at will..."
September 6, 2023
From the fertile Death Metal lands of Denmark, emerges a terrifying new entity conjured up by the sacrificial spilling of blood from members of reputable tribes such as Baest, Bloodgutter, Dawn of Demise, Exmortem, Invocator and more, holding the collective promise of becoming a new legend in the region.
Imbibing ancient knowledge from the best in their fields, Temple of Scorn have mastered the dark arts of both Death and Doom Metal and have carved a sound that takes the best aspects from those styles and turns it lethal. Shrouded in darkness and afflicted with rot, the songs both lumber and rampage at will, using the most suitable tactic for maximum aural destruction, always remaining effective. With unbeatable single-minded intent and possessing everything they need to get the work done, it’s almost with effortless ease that Temple of Scorn deliver an album of greatness, that too on only their debut full length called ‘Funeral Altar Epiphanies’.
It’s destined to be remembered as a monumental, inviolable slab of dark and doomy Death Metal which will appeal fans of Incantation, Viande, Cruciamentum, Mortiferum and Krypts.
More info: Temple of Scorn; Transcending Obscurity Records;Into Darkness to release new 7" via WolfKult Religion: "She did once say that Asphyx is one of her biggest inspirations, and that is definitely audible"
September 5, 2023
Italian Death/Doom flag bearers Into Darkness to release ‘First Encounters’ on 7″ EP for the first time through the WolfKult Religion label. The two-tracker will be released on Saturday September 9th 2023 at their show with Dutch Ancient Death Metal stalwarts Pentacle and Spanish deathsters Apparition at Centrale Rock Pub located in Erba, Italy.
Other news from Into Darkness: the 12″ vinyl edition of the bands’ ‘Cassini – Huygens’ EP will see the light of day later this year through Invictus Productions.
We already reviewed the ‘Cassini – Huygens’ EP, which was released by Unholy Domain Records on CD and Cassette formats earlier this year, and described it as : “Under her direction, Doomed Warrior has always steered a more slow Doom Metal-like course in the land of relatively simpler Old School Death Metal. She did once say that Asphyx is one of her biggest inspirations, and that is definitely audible… The riff-driven Death Metal is still on the slow side but has some forays into mid-tempo here and there with her shrill grunts further completing the Asphyx comparison. Incidentally in the vocal department, when she seems to shake off her Asphyx fascination a bit, she sounds remarkably like Cadaveria in her heyday in Opera IX.”
In our last interview with Into Darkness, main woman Doomed Warrior mentioned her, mainly Dutch, influences: “I was inspired by Sinister, Thanatos, Acrostichon, Beyond Belief, and something also by the German scene – early Morgoth, to say one.”
Other news from WolfKult Religion: the label will release a 7″ vinyl version of the 2021 2-track demo from Dutch seafarers Stormbreker later this year.
More info: Into Darkness; WolfKult Religion;Iron Bonehead Productions to release Goatkraft's new album: "Goatkraft carry that sulfurous torch with their second full-length, delivering detonating screeds of grinding, expulsive black filth"
September 4, 2023
Iron Bonehead Productions is proud to present Goatkraft’s highly anticipated second album, ‘Prophet of Eternal Damnation’, on CD and vinyl LP formats.
It’s been four years since Goatkraft’s celebrated debut album for Iron Bonehead, Sulphurous Northern Bestiality, and nothing has changed for the Norwegian power-trio: their monochromatic muse is as locked-in and lascivious as ever. Just one look at the cover of their second album, ‘Prophet of Eternal Damnation’, and you should know EXACTLY what you’re getting into. If you are a false, do not entry.
Still, Goatkraft are superlative for the bestial metal style, and prove it across the 30 thundering minutes of ‘Prophet of Eternal Damnation’. While the Ross Bay Cult doubtlessly provided the foundation for the bestial arts, it was the likes of progeny Black Witchery and Proclamation who made those arts more murderous and uncompromising. Likewise uncompromising, Goatkraft carry that sulfurous torch with their second full-length, delivering detonating screeds of grinding, expulsive black filth. If anything, their attack is even more unhinged than ever – bringing out the grindcore roots of the form, as it were – and solos and FX explode from nearly every direction, whipping forth a fury both punishing and possessing. The full-figure production only makes the experience that much more overwhelming.
No progression, no compromise, no hope: Goatkraft herald the ‘Prophet of Eternal Damnation’.
More info: Goatkraft; Iron Bonehead Productions;Memento Mori to release new Martyrdoom's album 'As Torment Prevails': "Bloodthirsty and dripping with menace, Martyrdoom are armed with a thorough knowledge of ancient Death Metal..."
August 24, 2023
In their endless quest to push and support current underground acts that perpetuate the odor of vintage Death Metal, on October 23rd, Memento Mori is proud to present Martyrdoom’s highly anticipated second album, ‘As Torment Prevails’.
Conceived in Warsaw back in 2010, Poland’s Martyrdoom went through some lineup changes until they established a solid formation in 2014, consisting of Sociak (vocals), Marol (guitar), Młynar (guitar / vocals), Artur (bass), and Wasyl (drums). With this lineup, in 2017 did they release their debut album, ‘Grievous Psychosis’, through Memento Mori. Blending complex, blastbeat-driven, darkened Death Metal with slow Doom passages, the band drew their main influences from the likes of Obituary, Immolation, Rippikoulu, Autopsy, Demilich, Triptykon, Cannibal Corpse, Incantation, Hooded Menace, Grave, Disma, and Dead Congregation, but they spewed all those influences out with renewed vigor. As far as non-musical inspirations go, their lyrics mostly revolved around old-school horror/gore movies, personal struggles, and the works of H.P. Lovecraft.
Bloodthirsty and dripping with menace, Martyrdoom are armed with a thorough knowledge of ancient Death Metal – still! – and they return to create something vile and unearthly with second album ‘As Torment Prevails’. Though six years might’ve passed between full-lengths, these Poles pick up exactly where they left off: eschewing all trends, trudging defiantly, and blasting their noxious blend of Death Metal and Doom. If anything, ‘As Torment Prevails’ dives deeper into the ancient past, sounding like a lost relic from 1992, including the striking cover art courtesy of Ryszard Wojtyński. And while Doom no doubt forms a foundation for their sound, never do Martyrdoom sound sluggish here; their guitar sound alone is GUTTED, and the Doom is definitely all in the feeling, for there’s plenty of off-the-charts energy here no matter what the tempo is. Those especially enamored with the ’90s works of Asphyx and Benediction will find tons to love here ‘As Torment Prevails’, as well as the early (and equally essential) records of Sinister and Hypocrisy.
Concluding with a cover of Autopsy’s “In the Grip of Winter,” Martyrdoom don’t so much as turn back the clock as CRUSH it!
More info: Martyrdoom; Memento Mori;Sepulchral Curse announces their new album 'Abhorrent Dimensions': "The music is more intricate and complex than ever before but sounds remarkably robust and coherent despite it all"
July 20, 2023
Finnish Death Metal band Sepulchral Curse have been expanding upon their sound since their inception, adding more influences to make it more rich and diverse, and it’s on this release, their second full length, that they’ve finally come into their own.
They can boast now more than ever before of having a powerful and identifiable sound that they can call their own, one that is honed to perfection and bears myriad elements without sounding disparate. The music is more intricate and complex than ever before but sounds remarkably robust and coherent despite it all, and is held together by the thick and impossibly deep roars of the vocalist.
Without betraying the imperious sound, each song exhibits various shades of emotion, even reveals glimpses of well-ensconced melodies, and weaves together an engrossing tale of their own. They’ve crafted a stunningly nuanced album for music this crushing and domineering, and are sure to make a mark for themselves with this release.
More info: Sepulchral Curse; Transcending Obscurity Records;Sielunvihollinen ready with 5th album: "Once again presenting authentic '90s classicism whilst trampling the graves of the present..."
July 16, 2023
Hammer of Hate is proud to present Sielunvihollinen’s highly anticipated fifth album, ‘Helvetinkone’, on CD and vinyl LP formats.
Formed in 2011 initially as a solo project, over the course of four albums and a handful of splits, demos, and EPs, Sielunvihollinen have come to be standard-bearers of pure ‘n’ proud Finnish Black Metal. While neither shying away from the spotlight nor intentionally cultivating an air of mystery, Sielunvihollinen’s catalog over the past decade has come to speak of itself – thoughtful songwriting, impassioned performances, a totality of form meeting content – and with their development into a full band unlike so many other Black Metal “projects,” they’ve also become a considerable force on the live front.
While they’ve no doubt been prolific in the number of EPs and splits they’ve released over that past decade-plus, Sielunvihollinen have fastidiously released a full-length every two years. Now, like clockwork, two years after the widely acclaimed Teloituskäsky comes their fifth album, ‘Helvetinkone’. Roughly translated into English as “Hell Machine,” Sielunvihollinen’s latest full-length is indeed a hellish affair, but one not without the band’s characteristically poignant melodicism. Carrying forward that deadly precision of its full-length predecessor ‘Helvetinkone’ cruises with a clarity of focus that simply heightens the heartstrings-pulling push of their anthemic songwriting. Indeed, the attack is squarely Black Metal – rough and rowdy at heart, “catchy” in the Finnish post-millennial tradition – but these eight anthems are ridiculously compact and contoured; not one single second is wasted, and the leads-forward emphasis has never been more striking. And whereas the aforementioned Teloituskäsky was Sielunvihollinen’s cleanest-recorded work to date, it was a sea-change that only benefited the band’s increasingly compact nature; with ‘Helvetinkone’, it makes perfect sense, and lends a strangely sparkling character to their quintessential Finnish filth. Iron fists lined with velvet, and poised to punch you in the fucking face!
Once again presenting authentic ’90s classicism whilst trampling the graves of the present, Sielunvihollinen stand firm in the upper echelons of international Black Metal with ‘Helvetinkone’!
More info: Sielunvihollinen; Hammer of Hate Records;Cult act Transgressor back with new material: "... so those seeking Death Metal that isn’t mangled by modernity can truly revel in the rottenness..."
July 16, 2023
Me Saco Un Ojo Records, in conspiracy with Sewer Rot Records and Unholy Domain, is proud to present a new mini-album from Japan’s Transgressor, ‘Beyond Oblivion’. Me Saco Ojo will handle the vinyl version, Sewer Rot the CD version, and Unholy Domain the tape version.
Formed as early as 1989, Japan’s Transgressor is one of those cult names only the deepest dwellers of obscurity might seek. With a healthy-if-sporadic discography, the time for a new EP is here: ‘Beyond Oblivion’.
Blending the murkiest elements of putrid Death Metal, ferocious grooving, and blistering lead work atop a hammering percussion: whether or not this name is familiar, Transgressor will beat you into submission. A healthy mix of exhilarating drums and crawling, tomb-lurking riffs seep forth very naturally while the vocal spew further enhances the eldritch mood of the record. With a timelessly classic feeling to the style of music, this horde of old-school maniacs have such a graven and crushingly brutal approach to keeping the archaic morbid spirit alive. The heaviness is asphyxiating, but there is also melody and these moments of gloom that give huge dynamics to the experience, showcasing a band who have clearly refined their sound to a well-oiled death-machine over the decades of their existence.
While many Japanese Death Metal bands have a penchant for purely slower tempos, Transgressor range from the spectral doomy moments all the way to a thrashing rage with so many meaty hooks in the mid-tempos, giving a varied and adrenaline-injected performance across the board. An impassioned performance and organic production deliver this EP with a flawlessly intense execution, so those seeking Death Metal that isn’t mangled by modernity can truly revel in the rottenness of ‘Beyond Oblivion’ for its honest and truly crushing approach that lingers in the air, ensuring you will come back to the crypt for more.
More info: Transgressor; Me Saco un Ojo Records; Sewer Rot Records; Unholy Domain Records;Into It Records and Raw Skull Recordz teamed up to release Mastication on tape and vinyl: "If it’s Swedish Death Metal you like, there’s absolutely no excuse in not getting your hands on these great releases"
July 14, 2023
The year is 1991, Swedish Death Metal is at it’s peak and the infamous combo Skogsberg/Sunlight produces one classic after another.
In the mists of that a band called Mastication rises and within a period of two months they entered the Sunlight Studio twice and recorded 2 demos. In between the heavy riffing of Daniel and Janne, Per hitting those Sunlight d-drums and the monstrous growls of Lars these demos became some of the finest Death Metal ever to come out of Sweden.
Sadly the band was shortlived and just 5 tracks were recorded but they made a huge impact in the Death Metal underground.
Fast forward to the year 2023 when Raw Skull Recordz and Into It Records decide to team up to bring these demos back to life and give them a well deserved, first time ever re-release on vinyl and tape. You might think these demos sound great as they were but a little magic was done on the remastering front and boosted things immensely.
If it’s Swedish Death Metal you like, there’s absolutely no excuse in not getting your hands on these great releases.
More info coming soon!
More info: Mastication; Into It Records; Raw Skull Recordz;Luring's new album to be released by Iron Bonehead Productions: "One could variously point contemporaneously early Abigor and Gorgoroth as equally as turn-of-the-millennium Nocternity and Lunar Aurora..."
July 10, 2023
Iron Bonehead Productions is proud to present Luring’s cult second album, ‘Triumphant Fall of the Malignant Christ’, on CD and vinyl LP formats.
Making their public demo in 2018 with the ‘Interitu Caret Devotione ad Coronam Satanas’ demo, Luring have slowly-yet-assuredly become one of the most exciting developments in American Black Metal of recent years. Theirs is a stridently classicist form that doesn’t point toward preceding idioms too obviously nor overly, and they proved as much with last year’s ‘Victory Fires Ablaze Under the Banner of Lucifer’ full-length debut and the proceeding ‘Triumphant Fall of the Malignant Christ’ earlier this year.
The latter was only available digitally and on tape, and now Iron Bonehead steps forward to release Luring’s second album on a wider scale. Mystical and indeed malignant, ‘Triumphant Fall of the Malignant Christ’ weaves a black magickal spell rife with rippling physicality as well as otherworldly texture. Shimmering atmosphere floats above and below just-raw-enough melodicism that surges and spirals with rabid intent. One could variously point contemporaneously early Abigor and Gorgoroth as equally as turn-of-the-millennium Nocternity and Lunar Aurora – but Luring are an aptly monikered horde, and those aesthetic signposts merely serve as springboards for a still-unfolding creativity that manages to mesmerize with alluring elan.
More info: Luring; Iron Bonehead Productions;