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[[0-9]] - [A] - [B] - [C] - [D] - [E] - [F] - [G] - [H] - [I] - [J] - [K] - [L] - [M] - [N] - [O] - [P] - [Q] - [R] - [S] - [T] - [U] - [V] - [W] - [X] - [Y] - [Z]
- Tabu Recordings (2)
- TÄH! Records (1)
- Tainted Horde (1)
- Tales from the Pit Records (1)
- Talheim Records (6)
- Tanaka Shoten (1)
- Tanatofobia Productions (2)
- Tankcrimes Records (3)
- Tape Eater Records (1)
- Tapes of Terror Records (2)
- Tartarus Records (3)
- Temple of Darkness Records (2)
- Храм Больного Звука (1)
- Temple of Mystery Records (6)
- Templo del Sol Muerto (1)
- Templum Obscenum Records (2)
- Tenebrae Records (1)
- Terozin Mag & Tapes (1)
- Terratur Possessions (42)
- Terror Blast Records (1)
- Terror from Hell (11)
- Terrorstrikes Records (1)
- Test Your Metal Records (1)
- Testimony Records (22)
- Teufelszeug Records (2)
- Teutonic Fury Records (1)
- Thanatology Productions (2)
- Thanatoskult (1)
- The Ajna Offensive (4)
- The Chalice Productions (1)
- The Circle Music (2)
- The Cosmic Pillars (2)
- The Crawling Chaos Records (4)
- The Crypt (3)
- The Dwell Records (1)
- The Eastern Front (2)
- The End of Time Records (1)
- The End Records (1)
- The Final Return Records (1)
- The Hell Command (1)
- The Hidden Art (1)
- The Horde of Nebulah Records (1)
- The Horror Dimension (2)
- The Noose Of Epicrates (1)
- The Oath (2)
- The Other Records (7)
- The Plague (2)
- The Ritual Productions (6)
- The Sign Records (2)
- The Sinister Flame (14)
- The Sinister Intiative (1)
- The Spew Records (6)
- The Throat (1)
- The True Plague (6)
- The Void Records (1)
- The Wild Hunt (1)
- Thenra Collectivum (1)
- Theogonia Records (2)
- Third Eye Temple (2)
- This Charming Man Records (2)
- Those Opposed Records (3)
- ThreeMetal Forces Distro (1)
- Through Love Records (1)
- Tikoes Kecemploeng Production (1)
- Till You Fukkin Bleed (8)
- Time Before Time Productions (1)
- Time to Kill Records (7)
- Timeworn Records (2)
- Titan Seas Records (1)
- To The Death Records (7)
- Tormentor Records (1)
- TormentRex (5)
- Total Därkness Propaganda (2)
- Total Death Records (1)
- Total Dissonance Worship (2)
- Total Holocaust Records (5)
- Total Pagan Madness Records (4)
- Total War (5)
- Total War Prods (1)
- Totalrust Music (2)
- Totenmusik (1)
- Tour de Garde (14)
- Toy's Factory (1)
- Transcending Obscurity Records (114)
- Translation Loss Records (1)
- Transylvanian Recordings (13)
- Trash can Dance (1)
- Trauma Records (1)
- Traumatic Tapes (1)
- Triangulum Ignis (1)
- Tribe Dream Records (1)
- Tribulacion Productions (4)
- Triumph ov Death (2)
- Triumvirate of Evil (1)
- Trollzorn Records (13)
- True Cult Records (1)
- Trust No One Recordings (2)
- tUMULt (2)
- Twilight Vertrieb (2)
- Twin Town Tyrant Records (1)
- Tyrant Syndicate Productions (1)